Felicia struggled for years with sobriety, relationships, and trying to keep afloat. She finally hit “rock bottom” when her kids were taken into Social Services, her drug and alcohol use was consuming her daily life, and she was chronically homeless for several years. Her life was spiraling downward.
“My journey was not easy. I had used drugs for many years, roughly 20 years on and off, and I had to learn the hard way that this lifestyle and journey was not meant for me. I had to unlearn and re-learn how to become a better woman, sister, friend, mother, wife, and grandmother.”
Felicia decided to make the decision to enroll and complete a drug rehabilitation program, beginning the long road to recovery and regaining stability. She successfully completed the program and from there, wanting a program that could collaborate with an outpatient program and housing, she found herself at Colette’s Children’s Home’s doorstep.
“Colette’s Children’s Home was my Godsend. The program here, if you follow it and allow yourself to fully invest in yourself, is the greatest decision you could make. By the grace of God, I found people that cared about my well-being and my children’s well-being. They showed me that I can be successful and accomplish anything I set my mind too, and much more if I just stayed away from the drugs. I had tried several times to get sober only to fail because of homelessness and just living paycheck to paycheck. By coming to CCH, I was able to save money and get into an apartment with the help from my case manager and learn to live life. Thank you to the many donors, case managers, and CCH staff for helping me accomplish this. I will be forever grateful to all of you who have helped me accomplish this and get my life back when I felt I was hopeless and wanted to die. Now I want to live and show my kids that there are good people in the world that really care and want to help you when you need it and when you work hard for it.”
While in Colette’s Children’s Home, Felicia successfully reunified with her children. We are very happy to report that Felicia graduated from CCH and moved into her very own apartment with her children.
“It took a lot of dedication and patience and time, but I accomplished this, and I owe it all to Colette’s, my case manager(s), and myself for giving me this chance to change. I am forever going to remember this program. Thank you for giving me my life, and love for life back.”